Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Help our family at St. Innocent/ Project Mexico!

As you all know, Dean and I hold a very special place in our hearts for St. Innocent Orphanage and Project Mexico. Please read the copy- pasted letter below from their founder about the year end matching program that they desperately need your help with! Please contact them directly by using the address at the bottom if you wish to contribute, or there is a way to donate online as well, probably on their website.

Please pray for the success of
our year-end matching challenge!

Dear (Dean & Deena),

A blessed Advent season to you!

As misfortune (and the little lenten demons) would have it, our mailing house made a huge mistake when manipulating the data for our annual appeal mailing and the entire mailing must be sent again. This means a potentially huge delay in response time to our matching challenge from our donors/supporters. While the mailer did go out last week, the names did not match up with the addresses on the ones that went to private homes (as opposed to churches, businesses and organizations). Many folks, I'm afraid, will have thrown it out, thinking that it came to them by mistake.

Of all years for this to happen, this is certainly the worst. We're all feeling the pinch of the economy. Churches, charities and non-profits are feeling it most especially. We experienced a setback after September 11th but eventually we recovered. Although we saw this recession coming, we did not expect it to last this long, and the impact of it has been far worse than September 11th.

Please keep us in your prayers as we prepare to re-send the annual appeal. Pray that the hearts of our supporters will be moved to support the appeal in SOME way. A little help from many can add up to a GREAT DEAL for those to whom we minister at St. Innocent Orphanage and among the poor of our neighbor, Mexico.

If you would like to help in this effort, please forward this e-mail to your own e-list of friends and family,and consider making your own donation towards this challenge online or by regular mail. All donations received by December 30th (up to $45,000) will be matched one-to-one by several anonymous donors.

May God grant you a safe and blessed holiday and Holy Day season!

In Christ,

Greg Yova
Founder & Executive Director

Send responses to this e-mail to:

Donations by regular mail can be sent to:
Project Mexico
P.O. Box 120028
Chula Vista, CA 91912

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