Friday, August 14, 2009

Well, we did it... we didn't think we could but we did.. we have left Mexico : (. Sorry for being so terrible about updating our blog, we promise to TRY to be better for our trip. We are now visiting Deena's sister Kera for a few days in Denver before we head home for about a week to see our families (VA and NJ).

Well, I wrote the above paragraph about a week ago! Been meaning to come back to it but Dean and I have been in Virginia with Deena's family unpacking, then repacking, then bus'ed it up to NJ to spend time with Dean's family to repack some more.... and................ Tomorrow is our first flight! We will be arriving in Spain on Sunday to be with Deena's family for a few days.

It has been an exciting adventure already. We are really, really excited for our trip to start. But we can't leave out how much we truly miss all of our friends at St. Innocent Orphanage and Project Mexico. We think about you all each and every day! We miss you!!!!! Thank you for a wonderful summer, and allowing us to be your "Los Dinos". We can't wait to see you again.